
Program for the festival weekend

For the first time, the presentation of the nominated entries and the award ceremony are embedded in a festive weekend jointly organized by the Kunstverein Villa Arte and the Industrial Museum Chemnitz.


Saturday, 29.10. · 14:00
How can we become more natural with each other?
Opening of the festive weekend of the 8th International Marianne Brandt Award: Presentation of this year’s award and the program of events.

Saturday, 29.10. · 17:00
What is natural?
Video talk with nominees of the award (English), moderated by the chairwoman of the Villa Arte Art Association and curator of the award, Linda Pense.

Saturday, 29.10. · 18:00
Connectedness - Experiments for New Relationships with Nature
Award ceremony of the 8th International Marianne Brandt Competition with the international jury, the event team and the sponsors

Saturday, 29.10. · 19:30 – 22:00
Party with a dance performance and nature music with students of the Palucca University of Dance Dresden and DJ Jean



Sunday, 30.10. · 12:00
Monday, 31.10. · 14:00
How can we experiment naturally?
Guided tour and talk in the exhibition Experiments on New Relationships with Nature and presentation of the award-winning works of the 8th International Marianne Brandt Award with Linda Pense.

Sunday, 30.10. · 14:00
Monday, 31.10. · 12:00
Why is Marianne Brandt important in Chemnitz?
A conversation walk from the Industrial Museum Chemnitz to Marianne Brandt's birthplace with the chairman of the Marianne Brandt Society Chemnitz Dr. Jörg Feldkamp



As “experiments on new relationships with nature”, sculptural installations will be created from scaffolding elements that artistically interpret plants and grown things. At the same time, a giant marble run will be created, connecting the outside with the inside of the museum.

Studio Umschichten (winner of the 6th International Marianne Brandt Award), together with designer Kirsten Helmstedt, landscape architect Uta Gehrhardt and the Industrial Museum team, invites visitors to further develop this “mechanical garden” in various workshops.

The mechanical garden of the festive weekend is thus at the same time a first building rehearsal for a possible future development of the museum’s outdoor area: as a special museum garden, as a connection between nature and technology or as an adventure area that naturally complements the presentation inside the museum.

Saturday, 29.10. · 15:00 – 17:00
Sunday, 30.10. · 12:00 – 15:00
Workshops: What can a “mechanical museum garden” do?

- 1: Artificial flowers and other plant apparatus
- 2: Ball track experiments
- 3: Monuments to working animals and plants
- 4: What might the Industrial Museum garden look like?

Monday, 31.10. · 14:00 
How can balls connect us?
A “mechanical garden” dance performance with students of the Palucca University of Dance Dresden and the Anhalt-Dessau University of Applied Sciences staging the “mechanical garden” and the ball track

Monday, 31.10. · 15:00
What could remain of the “mechanical garden” or what could the “garden” of the Chemnitz Industrial Museum look like?
Discussion with Studio Umschichten, the acting director of the Industrial Museum Chemnitz, Jürgen Kabus, the chairwoman of the art association Villa Arte and curator of the award Linda Pense. Moderation: Janek Müller and Kirsten Helmstedt



In the “Gesprächsatelier” (conversation studio), all 46 nominated competition entries can be viewed daily from 10:00 to 17:00. On Saturday and Sunday, the team of experts from near and far invites guests to join in conversations about the different ways of connecting naturally.

Saturday, 29.10. · 15:00
How can we sense what plants and animals feel?

Saturday, 29.10. · 15:45 – 16:15
Culinary break with plant coffee and plant cake

Saturday, 29.10. · 16:15
What can we learn from other living things?

Saturday, 29.10. · 16:15
How do we live together with plants?

Sunday, 30.10. · 13:00
What does remembering have to do with composting?

Sunday, 30.10. · 15:30
How natural is Chemnitz industrial history?

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