
How to submit: questions & answers

What can be submitted?

One work can be submitted per category.
One work is understood as one basic idea or concern in the form of a product, a study or a picture documentation.

The basic idea may be implemented or varied in different ways – a maximum of three variations can only be submitted.
Work series must not contain more than five pieces.

Category Photography:
Three single pictures or series of five pictures max can be submitted. Series have to be labeled as such.

Some advice:

Central idea of the work
The jury must examine a large number of various works in a relatively short time – we recommend to work out the essential idea of the project in a short description of 1–5 phrases and to mark it well.

The language
We strongly recommend the translation of important or essential aspects of the work into English. This considerably facilitates the comprehension of the project for the international jury.

Payment with paypal
If questions arise or something does not work, send us a short email and we will find a solution.


further questions:

How many people in each category are nominated for the second phase?

Planned are 20 works per category. Subject to change ..

Will all nominated works be exhibited, how will you proceed with the selection?

Exactly. A nomination means participation in the exhibition and publication in the catalog, which every participant obtains for free.

Should the in the second phase postally submitted entries be finished exhibits (framed pictures) or is it enough to simply send A4 prints (photography category)?

The main concern for the competition is to bring together the jury meeting with the awards ceremony and the exhibition opening, to bring people together and thereby to promote interesting exchange. Therefore in phase two, the jury will evaluate the work directly in the final exhibition. The entries submitted by post should be in a representative state, pictures framed or mounted.

Is there, apart from the prize money for the winners category, financial support for the production of (+ mounting and framing) and the transport of the exhibition exhibits?

Unfortunately, no. Each participant will in the later course receive their work back and can continue using it. Financial aid for transport or other expenses arising we can not afford. We are constantly on the lookout for supporters and sponsors - so it might work one day with a support of the shipping costs. At the moment, unfortunately, this is not yet possible.

We gladly answer any further questions at


Good luck!

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