
Foundation of Marianne Brandt Circle of Friends

Founding of "Marianne Brandt Circle of Friends"
by Villa Arte eV. Chemnitz on 1.10.2013, 16:00 - 17:00 Saxon Museum of Industry Chemnitz

On 1st of October 2013, for the 120th Birthday of Marianne Brandt, at 4 pm, the "Marianne Brandt Circle of Friends" will officially be founded at the Saxon Museum of Industry in Chemnitz. In a "tea ceremony for Marianne" - which will be the closing event of the exhibition for the 5th Marianne Brandt Contest - the founding manifesto of the Circle of Friends and some greeting word will be red from the first renowned members.

The establishment of the "Marianne Brandt Circle of Friends" and the "Tea ceremony for Marianne" are the symbolic start of the following "Marianne Brandt" program. With this, the Circle of Friends announces, that the conclusion of the fifth "International Marianne Brandt Contest" will be followed by a longer-term process that is dedicated to the central goal of the competition - to tap the lifework of Marianne Brandt, the Bauhaus artist from Chemnitz, as a source of inspiration for young designers and to provide a platform for contemporary occupations with basic questions of design in this context.

The Circle of Friends with its first friends, as the designer Alberto Alessi, the design scientist Joachim Krausse, the designer and musician Kat Frankie, sees itself as "ambassador" of a poetic, artistic, and nevertheless socially, environmentally and practically oriented creation.

We cordially thank you for supporting and carrying further the idea!

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