Award 2016

Studio Umschichten



A collaboration with Alper Kazokoglu, Lukas Lendzinski, Peter Weigand.

How can we engage in production and recovery cycles in order to produce less waste and deal with resources in a more sustainable way?

Precycling is a material and design strategy that advocates an appropriate use of resources, taking high aesthetic standards into account. It is used for the production of space and furnishings. Semi-finished industrial products are used and returned to their original production cycles after their temporary use. Design is regarded as a metabolic process that has to be organised and requires reversible and modifiable building techniques. Precycling is based on maximum proximity: at first, all materials close to the production site are considered as potential building material. The principle of designing with (local) materials, which eventually become available, extends the concept of “building conservation”. In addition to the design, it is also about creating a relationship and trust with producers and suppliers, as well as organising the logistics. In addition to its physical characteristics, the material becomes a medium for negotiating social as well as political processes.

1st prize (Experiments)



Umschichten is a design studio based in the Wagenhallen in Stuttgart. Umschichten works with improvised architecture, supporting and expressing local visions, ideas and passions. The studio is interested in the relationship between humans and materials, in urban identities and the question how different social and cultural groups are represented in a city. Studio Umschichten are: Lukasz Lendzinski, Alper Kazokoglu and Peter Weigand.