Award 2010

83/ 78 DE
Stefan Becker/ Christine Steiner

"Building Extensions“


"Building Extensions“ - the inter-urban space gives house owners the freedom to express themselves and shape their environment. In these processes of individual development there is much to observe, including the phenomenon of 2building extensions", which we approach in this photographic project. The house owners uses the basis of the existing architectural structures and carry them on, modifying and extending them according to their needs and wishes. At first side, it seems that functionality governs these extensions. However, a second, more careful look reveals the poetry of the apparently functional constructions, which is usually paid no attention to. The pictures have a particular appeal, which is difficult to discribe with words. The interaction of different materials, the formal aesthetic play of surface, the interlooking architecture and the beauty of imperfection result in compostions of poetic quality.




Stefan Becker - 1983 born in Bielefeld 2005 studies of Communication Design, main focus on Graphic Design, under Prof. Sabine an Huef at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund

Christine Steiner - 1978 born in Bonn 2003 studies of Communication Design, main focus on Photography, under Prof. Cindy Gates and Prof. Susanne Brügger at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund