Award 2016

Sandra Stark & Carmina Blank

Die Ästhetik des Unheimlichen


Prostheses can have undesired aesthetic side effects: The more human-like they look, the more appealing they are. However, too much similarity to real human limbs, and its effect veers towards the uncanny. Sandra Stark and Carmina Blank have researched how targeted material conception can help to understand and control the Uncanny-Valley-phenomenon, and be taken into conscious consideration during the design process. Within the field of subtle aesthetics, small changes of colour, surface structure and material appearance and / or texture can have a decisive subjective visual impact.

Special award given by Neue Schule für Fotografie



Sandra Stark studies visual communication at the Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin. She works in the greenlab Laboratory for sustainable design strategies. Camina Blank is a fashion designer and completed her studies at the ESMOD Design School Berlin in 2013. In her work she experiments with new technologies and materials.