Award 2013

1983 DE
Nina Roeder

"Determinism is the friend not the foe"


This series of photographs is based upon the theory of the former Bauhaus artist Oskar Schlemmer, who searched for the relationship between body and space. He wrote, according to principles of theater and stage, that space, with its mathematical characteristics, limits the movements of the human body.
Nina Röder transformed this thought from theater to real life: She searched for factors that influence how we think about, talk about, and define ourselves. Afterwards, she drew attention to these often subconscious factors and visualized a series of narrative scenes in a cube. In these scenes, every protagonist had a performative task connected to one of these factors.




Born in Neuendettelsau

Theatre & Media, Bachelor of Arts,
University Bayreuth

Media Art and Design, Master of Fine Arts,
Bauhaus-University Weimar

Daegu Photo Biennale, Korea: The Hidden Sense.

Gallery Jarmuschek and Partner, Berlin: »Somit
bleiben 33 Tage«: Neue Fotografie aus Weimar

Graduatestipend from Thuringia and the
Bauhaus-University Weimar

Since 2012
Artistic Assistant for Photography,
Bauhaus-University Weimar

Kolga Tbilisi Photo 2013 – Photo Award Exhibition,

Bibliothèque départementale, France:
Marseille vu par 100 photographes du monde