Award 2007

Martin Nagel/ Regina Furger

"Orientation in the dark"


Where is here?`Orientation in the dark. After an extensive search and intensive discussions with blind persons and experts in orientation, we developed a tactile map of the Constanz Town according to functional criteria. It enables blind people, before entering an area, to aquire by itself. Space conception and in this way it permits a first and useful input during the orientation process. The tactile map could be integrated into future wayfinding systems or already existing systems. Moreover, acoustic aids are incorporated in order to build an enviroment "free barriers". "Being a blind person, the map makes me capable of more. I get something into my hands, which promises to be apiece of liberty for me. In my opinion, within this area there is still an unbelievable quantity of accumulated demand." (Urs Rehmann, birth-blind)


Award Winner


Martin Nagel - 1978 born in Freiburg im Breisgau 1998 A-levels 1999 industrial management course: University of Cooperative Education in Lörrach 2000 training in media design and manegement assistence in Freiburg im Breisgau 2003 studied communication design at University of Applied Sciences, Munich 2004 internship with acsence/ branding & design, Munich 2005 studied communication design at University of Applied Sciences, Konstanz 2007 Bachelor of Arts in communication design with distinction 2007 International Prize for Innovation, granted by the "Lista Innovationspreis Foundation", Switzerland, exhibition Intertech Chemnitz


Regina Furger - 1982 born in St. Gallen 2001 diploma screenprinter in Mörschwil 2002 vocational baccalaureat diploma 2003 travelled though New Zealand 2003 studied communication design at University of Applied Sciences, Konstanz 2004 internship with Kommunikationsdesign Möri in Altnau 2007 Bachelor of Arts in communication design with distinction 2007 international Prize for Innovation, granted by the "Lista Innovationspreis Foundation", Switzerland, exhibition Intertech Chemnitz