Award 2013

1974 DE
Claudia Biehne | Stefan Passig



Porcelain generally is perceived as a traditional material, although it is, in comparison with wood or stone for example, of a rather young nature.
This fact offers an interesting scope for creation - everyone knows that cups, plates and knickknacks are made of porcelain, but what else is the material good for? What is in it and wishes to be released? Which form can the initially liquid porcelain adopt after burning? In which characteristics may trans-
lucence appear? Every experience is the basis for a new one on a higher level.
In the "Lumos" series I incorporate various materials into the porcelain and let them burn. The outcome on the bowllike shapes is a picture of a unique gracile lithophany.


Special Award



Studied at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (Saale),
the École des Beaux Arts in Luxemburg,
the Academy of Fine Arts Prague and
the University of Arts and Design, Helsinki

Since 2004
Working as a freelancer

Since 2007
Collaboration with Stefan Passig

Numerous exhibitions in USA, Korea, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Luxembourg, Croatia, Czech Republic and Germany


Stefan Passig

Studied photography at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig as well as at the Zurich School of Art and Design