Award 2016

Chuana Mahlendorf



FOLIFORA is inspired by archaeological finds of tools in northern Hesse, and it is the result of years of experiments with ceramic production methods. FOLIFORA is a newly developed, democratic production process for making ceramic vessels. It allows for a production without specific tools or electricity. Thin-walled and lightweight earthenware can be serially produced. This technique enables the reproduction of handmade objects in a precise manner, but without elaborate mould-making: clay is rolled out and placed on a hole template and reshaped into a bowl using a scoop. The collared rim allows them to dry without dropping out. The simplicity of the process enables an easy modification of the templates to meet actual needs and demand. Practically anyone can set up a production workshop of an appropriate size, without having to invest in tools, production materials or electricity. The production process of FOLIFORA enhances market diversity and levels the playing field in a democratic and efficient manner. Clay is a natural resource and worldwide available. Thus, it minimises the need for long hauls, leads to a reduction of administrative workload and boosts local businesses. FOLIFORA provides ergonomic working conditions that are noiseless, sensuous and do not require physical strength.

Special award given by LUMALENSCAPE



Chuana Mahlendorf studied product design at the Kassel Academy of Art. In her work Mahlendorf focuses on the possibilities to intervene in the everyday life of consumers and change scenarios in society.