Born in Karl-Marx-Stadt (today Chemnitz) in 1977, 1996 A-levels, 1998 - 2003 architecture course at the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, diploma degree, 2003 establishment of the advertising agency ARTKOLCHOSE in Leipzig; several exhibitions: 2000 Chemnitz and Leipzig, 2002 Jena, Leipzig, Halle and Bayreuth, 2003 Klaffenbach and Chemnitz, 2004 Dresden and Chemnitz; awards: 2002 winner of the 6th University Photography Competition and 2003 3rd place, Victor-Klemperer-Cornpetition as well as winner of the Saxony Youth Award for Photography, projects: 1998 direction and production supervision of the film project »Was ist wichtig« as well as blueprint for an open air stage in the Küchwald area, Chemnitz
Special Award (Leica Camera AG)