
Award Category

This category asks for projects that may be products, that design helpful and aesthetic ways of associating or cooperating with the environment. Or that may be experimental arrangements that propose interesting perspectives on natural relations.

Details Project

A product, a study or image documentation with a maximum of three variations can be submitted.
Workgroups can not contain more than five parts.
The submission procedure for entries that have been selected for the exhibition will be agreed upon individually.


Award Category

The category photography aims at observations and images in which relationships between human and natural cultures are reflected curiously and mindfully, but also critically.

Details Photography

Three single images or a series of maximum of five images can be submitted. Series have to be labelled
as such. The submission procedure for entries that have been selected for the exhibition will be agreed upon individually.


Special Award Category

This category welcomes literary, poetic, and factually reflective texts that explore or negotiate present ideas of what "nature" and "natural" mean or can mean.

Details Text

Texts can be submitted with up to 5,000 characters in German and English.
